Happy Birthday to us!

January 04, 2018

Victory Patterns first anniversary

Today marks the first birthday of Victory Patterns! Yaaay!!!! This time last year I had been sitting on a couch with my super amazing brother for about two solid weeks with numb bums while we worked on building the website, eating the weirdest food, listening to comedy radio, pulling all-nighters until it was born into the world. That was one of the best feelings ever! This year has been pretty amazing and I want to say thank you to every single person who's visited the site, take the time to poke around, buy a pattern, make a garment, leave a lovely comment, give me advice, and show their support. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

victory patterns celebrates one year anniversary

You have no idea how happy I was when I first put these patterns online to see that they were well received, and at the amount of encouragement that you have all given me. I love being able and taking part in the beautiful, creative and vibrant sewing community that has formed online. Your passion for this craft is very inspiring to me and makes me thrilled to create patterns that I think you might enjoy.

victory patterns celebrates one year anniversary

Thanks again for your support and I'm excited for what's to come in this next year!
Lotsa love

Kristiann x



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