The Lola Sewalong Schedule

November 04, 2019

Lola Sewalong

I'm excited to announce that over the month of November, we'll be hosting the Lola sewalong. If you've been wanting to sew this dress, but felt like you needed a bit of help along the way, we'll be covering everything you need to know in making this dress.

Lola is available in both PDF and print formats. Make sure to grab your pattern in preparation for this sewalong.

I've posted the schedule here so that you can see the topics that we'll be covering, and the dates of their release. I hope that you'll join us in the making of this cozy dress!


The Lola Sewalong Schedule

Posts will be published at 10 AM (EST)

1. Lola Introduction and Inspiration - Tuesday, November 4 

2. Choosing a Fabric - Monday, November 11

3. Gathering Supplies - Wednesday, November 13

4. Taking Measurements and Choosing a Size - Friday, November 15

5. Basic Pattern Adjustments - Monday, November 18th

6. Small and Full Bust Adjustment - Wednesday, November 20th

7. Cutting - Friday, November 22nd

8. Sewing with Stretch - Sunday, November 24th

9. Constructing the Upper Dress - Tuesday, November 26th

10. Constructing the Lower Dress - Thursday, November 28th

11. Finishing the Dress - Saturday, November 30th




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