Thread drawings by Amanda McCavour

January 03, 2018

Amanda McCavour thread art

I was taking a stroll down in the Junction, a beautiful neighbourhood in Toronto, when I came across a store window installation that glowed with a fluorescent green light, and which made my jaw drop! Hanging from the ceiling were hundreds of beautiful and delicately sewn snowflake like medallions.

This is the artwork of Toronto-based Amanda McCavour, who produces fiber-based installations and intricate thread drawings by sewing into fabric that dissolves in water. I'm amazed by the dedication and patience that Amanda must have to create each piece, let alone hundreds of them! Inside the shop, there was a gallery space bursting with orange glow (The installation is aptly named!)

Amanda McCavour thread art

Artists' Statement: "Using a spirograph drawings, scribbles, paper snowflakes and diagrams as inspiration, the projects in this show are colourful accumulations of thread. These pieces are intricate three-dimensional scribbles, accumulation of lines and repetitive actions. Neon green and yellow draws your attention; it highlights things. These colours are sometimes the colour of post-its or toxic waste. Neon orange is often used to caution or warn. On road signs, it means construction work is ahead. The bright green, yellow and orange threads used to create these installations are barely visible when viewing just one thread, but through the build-up of line, they create neon atmospheres."

Amanda McCavour thread art

Amanda had produced an outstanding body of work, and the process that she must undertake to create each piece blows my mind. To see more, check out her website.

Amanda McCavour thread art

Amanda McCavour thread art

The next time I curse my sewing machine, I will think of Amanda, my new zen-sewist role model. 




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